Pooping Less Than Once A Day Is NOT Normal!

constipation gut health Mar 02, 2024

Ever been floored by someone casually mentioning they only visit the bathroom once a week? Yeah, me too. It's like a reality check, making you wonder how anyone could find that comfortable, let alone healthy. But I reeled back my judgment and (at least I hope it seemed that way) and I quickly realized I needed to address this stat! Clearly the potential health issues that arise from infrequent bowel movements are often underestimated. And I don't want anyone else carrying more shit than they should be!


What's Normal? How Often Should You Be Pooping?

Ok, here's the real talk –– a healthy bowel rhythm is 1 to 3 times per day. At a minimum, your body should be eliminating waste daily to maintain optimal health. At the very least you want to be getting rid of your body’s waste (cause that’s what shit is) at least once –– every single day –– to keep things running smoothly. But seriously, who knew poop was this important? Glad we cleared that up!


The Consequences of Infrequent Bowel Movements

Get ready for a crash course on why feeling crappy is directly linked to not taking your daily dump seriously.

Daily bowel movements is the major way your body eliminates what the body doesn’t need – garbage. We filter out toxins, waste products, estrogen and anything else the body doesn’t need. When you’re backed up (going less than once a day), your whole system backs up.

Think of it like a bathtub full of water –– and your colon is basically the plug (the exit strategy). When the tub plug doesn't open, and water keeps coming in, things start spilling over. And guess where those spills end up? Your skin, lungs, kidneys – basically, everywhere except where they should be.

How does this manifest for you? When there's no exit strategy, your body resorts to pushing toxins out through the skin – cue the acne, eczema, and rashes galore! The immune system takes a hit, leaving you feeling downright lousy as your body compromises by slowing down. Think tiredness, foggy-headedness, bloating, migraines, and an overall sense of "blah."


Common Reasons for Insufficient Bathroom Time 

Forget the cliché advice about eating more fiber and drinking water – we're diving deeper here. From stress-eating to sluggish livers and wonky thyroids, there's a whole lot that can throw your bathroom schedule out of whack. Trust me; I've been there. It's not just one thing; it's a whole messy mix of factors that could be slowing you down.

Common Causes of Sluggish Bowels:

  1. Not Eating Enough: If your eating habits resemble that of a baby bird, your body might lack the necessary nutrients for normal bodily functions, including digestion.

  2. Eating on the Go or When Stressed: Digestion is a chill process (parasympathetic), and stressing out on the run signals your body to freeze up and disrupt the digestive flow.

  3. Low-Fat Diet: Fat is like the grease for your body's machinery. It stimulates the liver to produce bile, aiding in the digestion of fats, fat-soluble vitamins, and the removal of toxins through the bowels.

  4. Sluggish Liver and Gallbladder: Toxins, pathogens, diet and a shortage of vitamins and minerals can slow down the liver and gallbladder, impacting the production and release of bile.

  5. Poor Mineral Status: Minerals act as spark plugs for efficient bodily functions. When lacking, everything slows down significantly. Common minerals needed for constipation support include potassium, magnesium and iodine.

  6. Low Thyroid Function: The thyroid, a metabolic powerhouse, ensures cells do their job. A sluggish thyroid can lead to constipation, affecting the entire GI tract's flow.

  7. Slow Metabolizer / Oxidizer: Describing how your body breaks down and uses energy, being a slow oxidizer means low energy production, impacting daily functions. This often links back to a sluggish thyroid and adrenal glands.

  8. Iron Overload: Whether from unnecessary iron supplements, poor iron regulation, or exposure through various sources, excess iron can contribute to constipation.

  9. Dehydration: Proper hydration is essential for a healthy digestive system and overall cell, tissue and organ function. It involves more than just water, encompassing electrolytes and minerals.

In most cases, it's not just one factor but a combination of issues. Everything in the body is interconnected, and addressing these factors collectively can help improve bowel function and overall health.


Strategies to Help You Poo!

Now, the fun part – how do we get things moving again?

Start here:

  • Make real, whole foods the star of your diet
  • Make mealtime a ritual: sit down, focus, and chew your food without distractions
  • Boost your intake of potassium-rich foods to aim for 4,700mg or more daily
  • Seek out magnesium support, like epsom salt baths
  • Support digestion with appropriate supplements, if needed
  • Embrace liver-friendly foods such as bitters and beets
  • Include healthy fats in your meals
  • Pay attention to electrolyte balance
  • Try a squatty potty to support your natural curves

 Seriously, don't underestimate how effective these are!!!


Alright, ladies, it's time to take charge of our bathroom habits and, by extension, our health. Whether you're struggling with sluggish bowels or just want to optimize your daily routine, it's all about understanding your body's signals and giving it the TLC it deserves.

And hey, if you're feeling a bit lost, don't worry – we've got your back. Check out our Gut Glow Up guide for more tips to get your bathroom routine back on track. Here's to happier, healthier bathroom breaks – one flush at a time!