Fatty Acids: Your Gut, Hair and Skin Will Thank You!

brain fog constipation digestion fatigue gut health hair hormones immune system nutrition skin symptom burden assessment symptom relief thyroid Jul 01, 2023

Are you concerned about your gut health and energy levels? Your fatty acid levels could be interfering with your gut health — causing uncomfortable symptoms that you aren’t sure why they’re happening. In this blog, we’re talking all about fatty acids and how they could be to blame.

If you're anything like me, you've been influenced by the long-standing low-fat trend that still lingers today. Fearful of fat, I avoided it at all costs and opted for "low-fat" alternatives. But here's the truth: the notion that fat and saturated fat are unhealthy is just an idea, not a scientific fact.

Did you know that saturated fat is actually the preferred fuel for our hearts? Our skin cells are composed of 50% fat, providing a protective barrier against toxins. And our brains, comprising approximately 60% fat, rely on this essential nutrient for optimal function.

Fat plays vital roles in our body, including providing cushioning and lubrication for our organs and digestive tract. It's also necessary for the absorption of important vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Moreover, while our bodies can store only a few hours' worth of energy as starch, we can store months' worth of energy as fat.

It's time to debunk the myths and embrace the truth: we need fats, including saturated fats, for our overall health and well-being. The best sources of these essential nutrients are found in nature, specifically in animal foods that come in their natural, unprocessed forms.

Don't miss out on the incredible benefits of healthy fats any longer. It's time to shift our perspective and enjoy the nourishing power of fats for a healthier, happier life.


Here are some ways to understand, manage and ultimately improve your fatty acid status:


What Are Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's)?

Fatty acids play a crucial role in supporting a healthy gut and providing you with the energy you need to thrive. They are the building blocks for healthy cell membranes, aid in nutrient absorption, and promote overall well-being. The body can, and does, make fat. However, there are two very important fats which are not made inside the body and must be consumed, deeming them essential: Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids (ALA, EPA & DHA): These are the building blocks for your ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND PRO-HEALING compounds. They are also crucial for the proper functioning of your brain. 

Omega-6 fatty acids (LA): Used to create chemicals that are PRO-INFLAMMATORY. But don't let that scare you...we need inflammation! It's how your body protects itself –– it's your first line of defense. It's when inflammation is prolonged and unresolved that you run into trouble.


Symptoms that Speak Your Language: 

You may not be aware how a lack of fatty acids may be showing up in your life, so I'd like to share some symptoms that may resonate with you and shed light on the importance of fatty acids:

  • Do you find yourself craving fatty or greasy foods? It could be your body's way of signaling a need for these essential fats.
  • Have you been following a low or reduced-fat diet, thinking it's the healthier option? Surprisingly, your body requires a certain amount of healthy fats for optimal function.
  • Do you tend to sunburn easily or struggle with dry, flaky skin or dandruff? These could be indications of an imbalance in fatty acid levels.
  • Does your skin and hair feel a bit dull, lifeless and lackluster? Fatty acids aid in cellular hydration and help maintain that youthful glow.
  • Do your muscles fatigue easily, leaving you feeling drained and lacking endurance? Fatty acids play a crucial role in providing sustained energy for your muscles. 
  • Painful, creaky, cracky joints? Fatty acids play a key role in lubricating your body. 


I used to battle constant cravings for greasy and fatty foods, blaming myself for lacking willpower. It wasn't until I delved into the research that I realized my body was actually signaling a need for essential fats. Contrary to what I was taught (and trained to teach others), following a low-fat diet was not the healthier option. Surprisingly, by incorporating healthy fats and replacing inflammatory ones like seed oils, I noticed a remarkable change: my skin rarely burned under the sun and my chronic knee, back and hip pain disappeared.

This eye-opening experience made me realize the profound impact that healthy fats can have on our overall well-being. It's incredible how our body's cravings can be a sign of what it truly needs. By embracing a balanced approach and incorporating essential fats into my diet, I not only satisfied those cravings but also nourished my body in a way I had never experienced before.

If you’ve been struggling with any of the symptoms above, it’s time to take a look at your fatty acids and see if they’re causing them!

Take the Symptom Burden Assessment, which will help you assess your symptoms to unveil the areas where your body needs the utmost support. With your results in hand, I'll guide you through understanding your symptoms and provide expert insights on addressing the findings.

Get the Symptom Burden Assessment


Remember, this information is for educational purposes only and doesn't replace personalized medical advice. It's always best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and individualized guidance based on your specific needs.